~Anime Madness~

About Me




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Welcome Anime Fans!

Hello! My name is Rachelle. If you want to know more about me just click on the About me page and it should have some more info. But other wise this site is dedicated To ALL Anime ^-^ So please go ahead and look around, also if you notice I’m missing something or I have some info wrong please contact me Thanks and I hope you enjoy your stay ^-^


~New Updates~

11/17/04   I made the page!

12/2/04     I finished the main picture and put it up ^-^ Yes you heard me right...I made it ^-^

12/5/04    I added a few more pages...so they are unconstruction..so..in other words...they make no sense and are messed up..=p


I am hoping to get a lot more done..I mean I just started the website but still..I have big plans for it all =p

Hoping to fix the pages soon....

Some Good Anime to Watch

On Adult Swim


Inuyasha- 11:30 (cent.) - (Sat-Thurs)

CowBoy BeBop- 1:30(cent.)-(Sun)

Trigun- 12:00 (cent) - (Tues-Thurs)


Others (but aren't showing)

  Case Closed                                

Tenchi Muyo


Sailor Moon                                        


Scrapped Princess



Just Random Stuff

Yes i know, you all must be mad that I got ride of this but I'm sorry...Its REALLY hard to keep it up! I mean i do have a life....I can't just devote it to my web...and for the people who do that. LUCKY! But really you should go out and get some air....and ya might want to take a show too....wow...ok I'm good now...I think I'm just gonna go lie down for a bit...


Go Vist Adult Swim For Your Schedule!

Stuff To Look For..

I trying to fix the site at the moment...Not sure if anyone even comes here or not but hey....On my to do list...

-Get rid of all the extra pages

-Get rid of my C+ paper

-Fix the Anime Description Pg

-Hopefully make the site viewed!

Scrapped Princess

Pic of the show Scrapped Princess